directed by karim ben khelifaThere are two types of journalism. The one that aims to inform you and the one that is factually relevant, but also seeks to have an impact, to include social change and the means to measure it.
Karim Ben Khelifa is part of the latter group. He has discovered, after ten years as a war correspondent and photojournalist, that there is an unspoken moral contract between the subject and the journalist. Why else would people agree to be photographed in the most difficult moments of their lives? Do the people being photographed believe that journalism can have an impact on events? For the past 7 years, he has been experimenting with new ways of practicing journalism, using emerging media such as VR, AR and 360° soundscapes to find new ways to engage audiences and make an impact.
With its innovative format and delivery method, we aim to reach a young audience, mainly 15 – 35 year olds, a so-called “digital native” generation, savvy consumers of mobile and other electronic devices. But this generation is most likely not aware of the commercial and political realities behind their electronic devices.
Seven Grams will inform them about the supply chain of these rare minerals and the human costs involved, but will also offer them a lever to improve the way hardware manufacturers source gold, tantalum, tin and tungsten. Or how current laws are enforced and could be expanded ?
According to a Reuters study, more than 87 percent of Generation Z use their smartphones for information. 75% of them are willing to experiment with new forms of storytelling.