A GLOBAL JOURNALISTIC PROJECT IN AR BY KARIM BEN KHELIFAHave you ever wanted to see how your phone works? Have you ever opened it and marveled at this treasure trove of technology that fits in the palm of your hand, sleeps under your pillow, and that you touch more than 2,600 times a day? Have you ever wondered how it is made and what resources are needed to make it work? Seven Grams is an augmented reality experience directed by journalist Karim Ben Khelifa (The Enemy) that proposes, in a radically innovative way, to discover the link between your smartphone and the often dramatic conditions in which the rare minerals, needed to make it, are extracted, particularly in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
When the world’s most powerful economy, the United States, has been valued at $21 000 billion in 2020, the total value of the mineral resources in the soil of the DRC is estimated at $24 000 billion. How is it then possible that, on the HDI (Human Development Index) ranking, the DRC is only 175th out of 181 countries? For the Congolese people, the DRC’s wealth seems to be a curse, rather than a blessing. For more than 25 years, the Congo has been the scene of one of the deadliest conflicts since World War II, with nearly six million deaths*. Meanwhile, other countries have become rich from the Congo’s wealth, due to the growing demand for minerals essential to the production of phones and other devices that have become part of our daily lives.
Mixing augmented reality and animation sequences, Seven Grams tells you this story, offering you to discover the minerals used in your smartphone and their unique characteristics. Through a poignant and moving story, Seven Grams invites you to go back up the production chain of our smartphones and to apprehend their human cost.

Augmented reality

Animated movie

Solution journalism
Director :
Karim Ben Khelifa
Research and Fact Checking :
Quentin Noirfalisse
Original Music and Sound Artistic Direction :
Franck Weber
Corentin Fila
Tk Russell
Research team in Congo :
Fiston Misona
Chrispin Mvano
Julien Cigolo
Voice-over written by :
Karim Ben Khelifa
In collaboration with :
Vincent Ooghe
Gert Van Langendonck
Vocal Coach :
Benoit Rousseau
Voice Recording and Mix :
Special thanks to :
D. Fox Harrell, Ph.D
Tina Ahrens
Sana and Zamiel Ben Khelifa
Selim Harbi
Myriam Achard – Centre Phi
Caspar Sonnen – IDFA Doc Lab
Andi Altmeyer – La Maison
Guy Balassiano – Mugrabi
Produced by :
Executive Producer :
Chloé Jarry
Head of Productions :
Alessandra Bogi
Project Manager :
Adrien Pflug
Production Manager :
Sarah Arnaud
Alexandrine Stehelin
Production Assistant :
Hubert Marret
Head of Distribution :
Alexandre Roux
Coproducers :
Direction FranceTV StoryLab :
Jeanne Marchalot
Production :
Vanille Cabaret
Léna Sichez
Executive Producer :
Opeyemi Olukemi
Assistant Producer :
Aja Evans
Danielle Turkov
Amy Sheperd
Thomas Walsh
With the support of
Centre national du Cinéma et de l’image animée & La Région Occitanie
International Sales :
Alexandre Roux
2D animated film written by :
Karim Ben Khelifa
Juan Diaz
Art Direction and 2D Animation :
TT Hernandez
Sound Design :
Franck Weber
Post-production :
Maxime Villemard
Voice Recording and Mix :
Video Adapt
3D graphics and development :
Technical Director :
Clément Chériot
Art Director :
Timothée Marnat
Project Manager :
Jérémy Boistiere
Developers :
Pauline Eymond
Agathe Limouzy
3D Artist :
Anthony Rubier
Sound Designer :
Antoine Wert
Animator :
Alan Sorio